
STI stress aware placement optimization based on geometric programming

ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI(2009)

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Shallow trench isolation(STI) is the mainstream CMOS isolation technology for advanced integrated circuits. While STI process gives the isolation benefits due to its scalable characteristics, exploiting the compressive stress exerted by STI wells on device active regions to improve performance of devices has been one of the major industry focuses. However, in the present research of VLSI physical design, there has no yet a global optimization methodology on the whole chip layout to control the size of the STI wells, which affects the stress magnitude along with the size of active region of transistors. In this paper, we present a novel methodology that is capable of determining globally the optimal STI well width following the chip placement stage. The methodology is based on the observation that both of the terms in charge of chip width minimization and transistor channel mobility optimization in the objective function can be modeled as posynomials of the design variables, that is, the width of STI wells. Then, this stress aware placement optimization problem could be solved efficiently as a convex geometric programming (GP) problem. Finally, by a MOSEK GP problem solver, we do our STI width aware placement optimization on the given placements of some GSRC and IBM-PLACE benchmarks. Experiment results demonstrated that our methodology can obtain decent results with an acceptable runtime when satisfy the necessary location constraints from DRC specifications.
mosek gp problem solver,novel methodology,sti width aware placement,optimal sti,transistor channel mobility optimization,global optimization methodology,sti well,geometric programming,stress aware placement optimization,chip width minimization,sti process,shallow trench isolation,global optimization,optimization problem,satisfiability,chip,objective function,integrated circuit
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