The 3 Gel,' Synchrotron Illjector for SPEAR

M. Baltay, J. Voss,C. Chavis,J. Sebek,H. D. Nuhn, I. Horton,J. Haydon,T. Hostetler, R. Ortiz,M. Borland, S. Baird,W. Lavender, L. Baritchi, T. Sanchez,R. Boyce,J. Cerino, D. F. Wang, D. Baritchi, G. Johnson,C. Wermelskirchen,B. Youngman,C. Jach,R. Yotam


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A dedicated 3 Gel' injector spnchrotron for the storage ring SPEAR has been constructed at the Stanford Syn- chrotron Radiation Laboratory. SSRL. and has become operational by November 1990. The injector consists of an If-gun. a 120 MeI- linear accelerator. a 3 Gel' booster sgnchrotron and associated beam transport lines. General design features and special new developments for t.his injec- tor are presented together with operational performance. an energy of 3 Ge\' and an intensity which would allow to fill SPEAR to 100 ma in less than 5 minutes. The electron source is a 2.5 Me\' rf-gun and after acceleration to 120 MeV in a linear accelerator the particles follou- a short beam transport line to the booster spnchrotron. The booster magnets are energized by a White circuit cycling at 10 Hz. After reaching the SPEAR injection energy the beam is kicked out of the booster into a beam transport line to SPEAR.
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