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Sleep-related respiratory disturbances (SRD) in patients with mus- cle diseases may have significant clinical implications, because the patients frequently die at night. The aims of the study were to : 1) assess the presence and severity of sleep-related respiratory disturbances in patients with Duchenne muscular distro- phy (DMD); and 2) investigate the relationship of sleep-related respiratory distur- bances to daytime symptoms and pulmonary function. We studied six clinically stable patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, mean age (±SD) 18±2 yrs. Vital capacity was 27±19% of predicted and daytime arterial oxygen tension (PaO2) was 10.9±1 kPa (range 8.9-12.4 kPa). The presence of day- time somnolence, insomnia, headache, nightmares and/or snoring was recorded. Four patients (67%) showed symptoms that suggest sleep-related respiratory dis- turbances. At night, the apnoea-hypopnoea index (AHI) was 11±6. The patients with more symptoms during the daytime had the highest AHI scores. Most of the apnoeas (85%) were central, particularly during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Sleep architecture was well-preserved. Arterial desaturation (>5% below baseline) occurred during 25±23% of total time. AHI correlated with daytime PaO2, and AHI in REM sleep correlated with age. A stepwise multivariate analysis showed that PaO2 and, to some extent, the degree of airflow obstruction were significantly cor- related with AHI. We conclude that sleep-related respiratory disturbances are frequently present in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Therefore, physicians should look for symptoms related to sleep-related respiratory disturbances in these patients. Furthermore, sleep-related respiratory disturbances should be strongly suspected in older Duchenne muscular dystrophy patients, particularly if diurnal arterial hypoxaemia is concurrently present.
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duchenne muscular dystrophy muscle disease polysomnography sleep sleep-related respiratory disturbances
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