A domain ontology based metric to evaluate spoken dialog systems


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Current methods and techniques for measuring performance of spoken dialog systems are still very immature. They are either based on subjective evaluation (Wizard of Oz or other usability studies) or they are borrowing automatic measures used in speech recognition, machine translation or action classification, which provide only an incomplete picture of the performance of the system. We introduce a method for quantitative evaluation of spoken dialog systems that utilizes the domain knowledge encoded by a human expert. The evaluation results are described in the form of a comparison metric consisting of domain coverage and dialog efficiency scores allowing to compare relative as well as absolute performance of a system within a given domain. This approach has the advantage of comparing incremental improvements on an individual dialog system that the dialog designer may want to verify along the way. In addition, the method allows to cross-check the performance of third-party dialog systems operating on the same domain and understand the strong and weak points in the dialog design.
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