Relative abundance, diet and roost selection of the tube-nosed insect bat, Murina florium, on the Atherton Tablelands, Australia


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The relative abundance, diet and roost selection of the tube-nosed insect bat, Murina florium (Vespertilionidae), was investigated at Mt Baldy and Ravenshoe State Forests in north-eastern Queensland. In all, 34 M. florium were captured in 263 trap-nights; this was in the middle range of microchiropteran bat species captured. Faecal analysis indicated that the major prey items of M. florium were Coleoptera and Araneida. The presence of the latter prey item in faecal pellets suggests that the species is a partial gleaner. Low levels of predominantly myrtaceous pollen collected from head and throat fur indicated only incidental exposure. M. florium used a variety of external roosts in rainforest, with the only communal roost being located in a fallen Archontophoenix leaf suspended from a liana. Other roosts occupied by single M. florium were nests (n = 7) of yellow-throated scrubwrens, Sericornis citreogularis, and fernwrens, Oreoscopus gutturalis, and vertically suspended dead leaf clusters (n = 3). All roosts were located in the rainforest understorey at a mean height of 4.2 m, positioned from close to watercourses up to ridgelines. Bird nests utilised had been modified; the possibility of tent-making behaviour in this species is discussed.
relative abundance
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