
Research on function of AHCSE to human hepatocellular carcinoma BEL-7404, SMMC-7721 and normal hepalocellular LO2

Chinese Journal of Cancer Prevention and Treatment(2006)

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OBJECTIVE:To research the effect of antihypercoagulability state enzyme (AHCSE) on human hepatocellular carcinoma BEL-7404 cells and SMMC-7721 cells, normal Hepalocellular LO2 cells and probe into its function. METHODS: MTT, phase-contrast-microscope, electron-microcopy, terminal deoxynudeotidy transferase dUTP nick and labeling (TUNEL) and flow cytometer (FCM) were conducted to observe the alteration of cell form and biochemistry variety of the AHCSEed cells of BEL-7404 cells, SMMC-7721 cells and LO2 cells. RESULTS: The AHCSEed cells of BEL-7404, SMMC-7721 altered in their cells forms. The suspending cells and the cellular debris got more, the process of cell division got less. Part of mitochondrion became hollows and clusters. There were myeline sheath-liked structures in cytoplasm. The 0.5 μg/mL dosage AHCSE had a very strong inhibition to BEL-7404 cells (P=0.000). SMMC-7721 cells (P=0.025), but nearly no efficacy on LO2 cells (P=1.000). With the dosage increased, the dosage AHCSE was 75 μg/mL, the rate of inhibition to BEL-7404 cells and SMMC-7721 cells did not rise significantly, P=0.095, 0.115, but an inhibition to LO2 cells appeared (P=0.049). After the action of AHCSE apoptosis took place in BEL-7404 cells (P=1.000) and SMMC-7721 cells (P=1.000), and the apoptosis index increased with the increase of the dosage (P=1.000) and time (P=1.000). CONCLUSIONS: The AHCSE has very strong inhibition to the BEL-7404 cells and SMMC-7721 cells, but little efficacy on LO2 cells. The efficacy of AHCSE on hepatocarcinoma is safe and effective. Besides the direct damaging effect, inducing apoptosis is one of its functions.
apoptosis,hepatocellular/pathology,snake venoms/administration & dosage,liver neoplasms/pathology,flow cytometry,carcinoma
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