The Importance Of Stratigraphic Plays In The Undiscovered Resources Of The Uk Continental Shelf


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This paper analyses the statistics of existing United Kingdom Continental Shelf (UKCS) fields and discoveries as a means of assessing which plays are likely to contain the greatest untapped potential for stratigraphic traps. Current Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) estimates put the maximum discovered ultimate recovery of the UK at 50 billion (X 10(9)) barrels of oil equivalent (BBOE); estimated technically recoverable undiscovered resources are between 4.1 to 21.3 BBOE, based on a prospect mapping approach.As of end 2003, 82% of the oil and gas fields and discoveries on the UKCS have been found in structural traps; 12% have been found in combination structural/stratigraphic traps and only 6% in stratigraphic traps. The majority of stratigraphic traps and combination traps occur in association with syn-rift (Upper Jurassic) and post-rift deep-water plays. There has been relatively little direct exploration for stratigraphic traps until recently, and a number of the major discoveries in stratigraphic traps were found by chance. Few substantial untested structural traps remain in the UK North Sea except at considerable depth with associated risks. We estimate that perhaps 50% of the UKCS undiscovered resources are located in stratigraphic or combination traps, principally within syn- and post-rift deep-water sandstone plays.
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