Test of the τ -model of Bose–Einstein correlations and reconstruction of the source function in hadronic Z-boson decay at LEP

P. Achard,O. Adriani,M. Aguilar-Benitez,J. Alcaraz,G. Alemanni,J. Allaby,A. Aloisio,M. G. Alviggi,H. Anderhub,V. P. Andreev,F. Anselmo,A. Arefiev,T. Azemoon,T. Aziz,P. Bagnaia,A. Bajo,G. Baksay,L. Baksay,S. V. Baldew,S. Banerjee,Sw. Banerjee,A. Barczyk,R. Barillère,P. Bartalini,M. Basile,N. Batalova,R. Battiston,A. Bay,U. Becker,F. Behner,L. Bellucci,R. Berbeco,J. Berdugo,P. Berges,B. Bertucci,B. L. Betev,M. Biasini,M. Biglietti,A. Biland,J. J. Blaising,S. C. Blyth,G. J. Bobbink,A. Böhm,L. Boldizsar,B. Borgia,S. Bottai,D. Bourilkov,M. Bourquin,S. Braccini,J. G. Branson,F. Brochu,J. D. Burger,W. J. Burger,X. D. Cai,M. Capell,G. Cara Romeo,G. Carlino,A. Cartacci,J. Casaus,F. Cavallari,N. Cavallo,C. Cecchi,M. Cerrada,M. Chamizo,Y. H. Chang,M. Chemarin,A. Chen,G. Chen,G. M. Chen,H. F. Chen,H. S. Chen,G. Chiefari,L. Cifarelli,F. Cindolo,I. Clare,R. Clare,G. Coignet,N. Colino,S. Costantini,B. de la Cruz,S. Cucciarelli,T. Csörgő,R. de Asmundis,P. Déglon,J. Debreczeni,A. Degré,K. Dehmelt,K. Deiters,D. della Volpe,E. Delmeire,P. Denes,F. De Notaristefani,A. De Salvo,M. Diemoz,M. Dierckxsens,C. Dionisi,M. Dittmar,A. Doria,M. T. Dova,D. Duchesneau,M. Duda,B. Echenard,A. Eline,A. El Hage,H. El Mamouni,A. Engler,F. J. Eppling,P. Extermann,M. A. Falagan,S. Falciano,A. Favara,J. Fay,O. Fedin,M. Felcini,T. Ferguson,H. Fesefeldt,E. Fiandrini,J. H. Field,F. Filthaut,P. H. Fisher,W. Fisher,G. Forconi,K. Freudenreich,C. Furetta,Yu. Galaktionov,S. N. Ganguli,P. Garcia-Abia,M. Gataullin,S. Gentile,S. Giagu,Z. F. Gong,G. Grenier,O. Grimm,M. W. Gruenewald,V. K. Gupta,A. Gurtu,L. J. Gutay,D. Haas,R. Hakobyan,D. Hatzifotiadou,T. Hebbeker,A. Hervé,J. Hirschfelder,H. Hofer,M. Hohlmann,G. Holzner,S. R. Hou,B. N. Jin,P. Jindal,L. W. Jones,P. de Jong,I. Josa-Mutuberría,M. Kaur,M. N. Kienzle-Focacci,J. K. Kim,J. Kirkby,W. Kittel,A. Klimentov,A. C. König,M. Kopal,V. Koutsenko,M. Kräber,R. W. Kraemer,A. Krüger,A. Kunin,P. Ladron de Guevara,I. Laktineh,G. Landi,M. Lebeau,A. Lebedev,P. Lebrun,P. Lecomte,P. Lecoq,P. Le Coultre,J. M. Le Goff,R. Leiste,M. Levtchenko,P. Levtchenko,C. Li,S. Likhoded,C. H. Lin,W. T. Lin,F. L. Linde,L. Lista,Z. A. Liu,W. Lohmann,E. Longo,Y. S. Lu,C. Luci,L. Luminari,W. Lustermann,W. G. Ma,L. Malgeri,A. Malinin,C. Maña,J. Mans,J. P. Martin,F. Marzano,K. Mazumdar,R. R. McNeil,S. Mele,L. Merola,M. Meschini,W. J. Metzger,A. Mihul,H. Milcent,G. Mirabelli,J. Mnich,G. B. Mohanty,G. S. Muanza,A. J. M. Muijs,M. Musy,S. Nagy,S. Natale,M. Napolitano,F. Nessi-Tedaldi,H. Newman,A. Nisati,T. Novák,H. Nowak,R. Ofierzynski,G. Organtini,I. Pal,C. Palomares,P. Paolucci,R. Paramatti,G. Passaleva,S. Patricelli,T. Paul,M. Pauluzzi,C. Paus,F. Pauss,M. Pedace,S. Pensotti,D. Perret-Gallix,D. Piccolo,F. Pierella,M. Pieri,M. Pioppi,P. A. Piroué,E. Pistolesi,V. Plyaskin,M. Pohl,V. Pojidaev,J. Pothier,D. Prokofiev,G. Rahal-Callot,M. A. Rahaman,P. Raics,N. Raja,R. Ramelli,P. G. Rancoita,R. Ranieri,A. Raspereza,P. Razis,S. Rembeczki,D. Ren,M. Rescigno,S. Reucroft,S. Riemann,K. Riles,B. P. Roe,L. Romero,A. Rosca,C. Rosemann,C. Rosenbleck,S. Rosier-Lees,S. Roth,J. A. Rubio,G. Ruggiero,H. Rykaczewski,A. Sakharov,S. Saremi,S. Sarkar,J. Salicio,E. Sanchez,C. Schäfer,V. Schegelsky,H. Schopper,D. J. Schotanus,C. Sciacca,L. Servoli,S. Shevchenko,N. Shivarov,V. Shoutko,E. Shumilov,A. Shvorob,D. Son,C. Souga,P. Spillantini,M. Steuer,D. P. Stickland,B. Stoyanov,A. Straessner,K. Sudhakar,G. Sultanov,L. Z. Sun,S. Sushkov,H. Suter,J. D. Swain,Z. Szillasi,X. W. Tang,P. Tarjan,L. Tauscher,L. Taylor,B. Tellili,D. Teyssier,C. Timmermans,Samuel C. C. Ting,S. M. Ting,S. C. Tonwar,J. Tóth,C. Tully,K. L. Tung,J. Ulbricht,E. Valente,R. T. Van de Walle,R. Vasquez,G. Vesztergombi,I. Vetlitsky,G. Viertel,M. Vivargent,S. Vlachos,I. Vodopianov,H. Vogel,H. Vogt,I. Vorobiev,A. A. Vorobyov,M. Wadhwa,Q. Wang,X. L. Wang,Z. M. Wang,M. Weber,S. Wynhoff,L. Xia,Z. Z. Xu,J. Yamamoto,B. Z. Yang,C. G. Yang,H. J. Yang,M. Yang,S. C. Yeh,An. Zalite,Yu. Zalite,Z. P. Zhang,J. Zhao,G. Y. Zhu,R. Y. Zhu,H. L. Zhuang,A. Zichichi,B. Zimmermann,M. Zöller

The European Physical Journal C(2011)

Cited 65|Views235
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Bose–Einstein correlations of pairs of identical charged pions produced in hadronic Z decays are analyzed in terms of various parametrizations. A good description is achieved using a Lévy stable distribution in conjunction with a model where a particle’s momentum is correlated with its space–time point of production, the τ -model. Using this description and the measured rapidity and transverse momentum distributions, the space–time evolution of particle emission in two-jet events is reconstructed. However, the elongation of the particle emission region previously observed is not accommodated in the τ -model, and this is investigated using an ad hoc modification.
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Key words
Particle Production,Transverse Mass,Lorentz Boost,Thrust Axis,Emission Function
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