Geotechnical Characterization and Stability of a Slope in the Marnoso-Arenacea Formation for the Realization of an Underground Car Park in Urbino (Italy)

Engineering Geology for Infrastructure Planning in EuropeLecture Notes in Earth Sciences(2004)

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The plan of an underground car park located near the historical centre of Urbino town, has required characterizing the Marnoso-Arenacea Formation (Tortonian), from a geomechanical point of view. The project implies that the intervention will be insert inside the flank of the hill, in order to mitigate the effect of the environmental impact. It also involves an excavation front 42 m high and 100 m large. To analyze the mechanical behaviour of the soils, many samples both from the Marnoso-Arenacea Formation and from the cover, have been tested in laboratory. The anisotropy index evaluated by point load test in natural water conditions shows a higher value of the arenitic levels in comparison with the marls. On the contrary, the marls level tested in dry condition provides greater anisotropy index data. In the mono-axial compression test the arenaceous sediments show higher results. The stability analysis carried out with distinct element method shows the opportunity to retain the upper part of the cut with anchored bulkhead.
slope stability analysis,underground car park,marnoso-arenacea formation,geotechnical behav- iour,numerical modelling.,slope stability,stability analysis,distinct element method,environmental impact,indexation
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