The Characteristics And Influencing Factors Of Pneumoconiosis In Iron Mine

Journal of Environmental & Occupational Medicine(2009)

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[Objective] To describe the, characteristics of the incidence of pneumoconiosis in a large iron mine, and to, identify the main influencing factors which influence the incidence of pneumoconiosis among dust-exposed workers. [Methods] A cohort study of 7666 workers registered in the Daye Iron Mine of Wugang Iron Company between 1960 and 1974 and had worked-at least one year in this mine was established. The subjects were traced to the end of 2003. In 2005, TNF-alpha and hOGG1 polymorphism were analyzed using real-time polymerase chain reaction techniques-on 1 714 randomly. chosen subjects. The relative risks (RRs) were calculated for influencing factors rates in pneumoconiosis group to non-pneumoconiosis group: [Results] A total of 261 410.72 person-years were traced. A total of 314 cases of pneumoconiosis have been diagnosed among 3 604 dust-exposed workers by the end of 2003: The incidence of pneumoconiosis was, 0.25% and cumulative morbidity was 8.71%. More than 75% pneumoconiosis started dust exposure before 1960 and the CTE of 83.12% pneumoconiosis was more than 50 mg/m(3)y. The average latency of pneumoconiosis was 19.65 years in iron mine, and the latency of 77.71% cases was between 10 and 30 years: The incidence of pneumoconiosis was rising along with the CTE. The relative risks of pneumoconiosis for high and middle dust exposed workers were 8.25 and 2.27 when compared with those in low dust exposure. The RRs of pneumoconiosis were 1.7 for smoking and 32:34 for tuberculosis. as compared: with non-pneumoconiosis cases:. No significant,difference was found among genotype groups of TNF-alpha and hOGG1. [Conclusions] Dust-exposure was the most important influencing factor of pneumoconiosis in iron mine, other factors as smoking and tuberculosis should be considered. TNF-alpha and hOGG1 gene polymorphism did not play an important role in susceptibility to pneumoconiosis.
pneumoconiosis, cumulative total exposure, influencing factors, gene polymorphism, cohort study
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