An integrated software environment for distributed systems development

Spie Newsroom(2008)

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New tools simplify many tasks associated with designing, managing, andevaluatingcomputer programsthat runonthousandsofcomputers worldwide. As the number and diversity of Internet users continue to increase, Internet-based services—such as search engines and news websites—require more computing power in remote loca- tions to satisfy user demand. Rather than hosting these services on a single centrally located server, companies are beginning to distribute the computing workload across thousands of servers worldwide. These distributed systems offer a number of advantages, including improved reliability and performance. However, designing and implementing a program that simulta- neously runs on thousands of computers also introduces many new challenges to software developers, such as maintaining con- sistency across machines, evaluating performance, and detecting and recovering from errors. To better understand these challenges, we now consider the tasks required to develop a distributed system. We group these tasks into three distinct phases: design and implementation, large-scale testing and evaluation, and wide-area deployment. The design and implementation phase involves writing code that accomplishes the goals of the target system. Next, the test- ing and evaluation phase looks for potential problems with the initial system design and corrects any bugs that may hinder per- formance. It is important to thoroughly test the code in a variety of settings that represent several different potential usage mod- els of the system. After determining that the code behaves as ex- pected and achieves high performance in the test cases, the final step is to deploy the program across the Internet and evaluate its performance. We have developed a number of tools that sim- plify the tasks involved with each of these phases, as described below. While individually valuable, together these tools form an
figure 1. the modelnet emulator allows developers to evaluate dis- tributed systems in realistic network environments without modifying their code.,software development,system design,satisfiability,distributed system,design management,search engine
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