
Peripheral Nerve Field Stimulation for the Treatment of Chronic Low Back Pain: Preliminary Results of Long-Term Follow-up: A Case Series

Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface(2007)

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Objective Our objective was to determine the efficacy of peripheral nerve field stimulation (PNFS) for the treatment of chronic lower back pain. PNFS is becoming increasingly recognized as a safe, minimally invasive, and easily reversible treatment for a variety of chronic pain conditions. Chronic low back pain is a common cause of disability and one that is difficult to treat effectively. We hypothesized that PNFS would be a safe, effective alternative for patients with chronic low back pain, which has not been previously reported. Materials and Methods Six patients with chronic low back pain who had failed conventional therapies were implanted in the subcutaneous tissues of the low back region with neurostimulation leads. Leads were placed superficially in the region of maximum pain, as identified by each individual patient. Patients initially underwent a trial of stimulation to assess response, and a permanent system was subsequently implanted if patients reported greater than 50% pain relief in the low back during the trial. Results In each case presented here, PNFS enabled patients to decrease their pain medication and increase their level of activity. The patients all reported reduction in pain as measured by visual analog scale scores and an improved quality of life. Conclusion We conclude that PNFS is a safe and effective alternative treatment for patients with chronic low back pain, and should be considered in this population.
Failed back surgery syndrome,low back pain,neuromodulation,peripheral nerve field stimulation
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