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Measurement Of The Mass Of The Lambda(B) Baryon

D. Buskulic,I. De Bonis,D. Decamp,P. Ghez,C. Goy,J.-P. Lees,A. Lucotte,M.-N. Minard,P. Odier,B. Pietrzyk,M.P. Casado,M. Chmeissani,J.M. Crespo,M. Delfino,I. Efthymiopoulos,E. Fernandez,M. Fernandez-Bosman,Ll. Garrido,A. Juste,M. Martinez,S. Orteu,A. Pacheco,C. Padilla,A. Pascual,J.A. Perlas,I. Riu,F. Sanchez,F. Teubert,A. Colaleo,D. Creanza,M. de Palma,G. Gelao,M. Girone,G. Iaselli,G. Maggi,M. Maggi,N. Marinelli,S. Nuzzo,A. Ranieri,G. Raso,F. Ruggieri,G. Selvaggi,L. Silvestris,P. Tempesta,G. Zito,X. Huang,J. Lin,Q. Ouyang,T. Wang,Y. Xie,R. Xu,S. Xue, J. Zhang, L. Zhang,W. Zhao,R. Alemany,A.O. Bazarko,G. Bonvicini,M. Cattaneo,P. Comas,P. Coyle,H. Drevermann,R.W. Forty,M. Frank,R. Hagelberg,J. Harvey,P. Janot,B. Jost,E. Kneringer,J. Knobloch,I. Lehraus,E.B. Martin,P. Mato,A. Minten,R. Miquel,Ll.M. Mir,L. Moneta,T. Oest,F. Palla,J.R. Pater,J.-F. Pusztaszeri,F. Ranjard,P. Rensing,L. Rolandi,D. Schlatter,M. Schmelling,O. Schneider,W. Tejessy,I.R. Tomalin,A. Venturi,H. Wachsmuth,A. Wagner,T. Wildish,Z. Ajaltouni,A. Barrès,C. Boyer,A. Falvard,P. Gay,C. Guicheney,P. Henrard,J. Jousset,B. Michel,S. Monteil,J-C. Montret,D. Pallin,P. Perret,F. Podlyski,J. Proriol,J.-M. Rossignol,T. Fearnley,J.B. Hansen,J.D. Hansen,J.R. Hansen,P.H. Hansen,B.S. Nilsson,A. Wäänänen,A. Kyriakis,C. Markou,E. Simopoulou,I. Siotis,A. Vayaki,K. Zachariadou,A. Blondel,G. Bonneaud,J.C. Brient,P. Bourdon,A. Rougé,M. Rumpf,A. Valassi,M. Verderi,H. Videau,D.J. Candlin,M.I. Parsons,E. Focardi,G. Parrini,M. Corden,C. Georgiopoulos,D.E. Jaffe,A. Antonelli,G. Bencivenni,G. Bologna,F. Bossi,P. Campana,G. Capon,D. Casper,V. Chiarella,G. Felici,P. Laurelli,G. Mannocchi,F. Murtas,G.P. Murtas,L. Passalacqua,M. Pepe-Altarelli,L. Curtis,S.J. Dorris,A.W. Halley,I.G. Knowles,J.G. Lynch,V. O'Shea,C. Raine,P. Reeves,J.M. Scarr,K. Smith,A.S. Thompson,F. Thomson,S. Thorn,R.M. Turnbull,U. Becker,C. Geweniger,G. Graefe,P. Hanke,G. Hansper,V. Hepp,E.E. Kluge,A. Putzer,B. Rensch,M. Schmidt,J. Sommer,H. Stenzel,K. Tittel,S. Werner,M. Wunsch,D. Abbaneo,R. Beuselinck,D.M. Binnie,W. Cameron,P.J. Dornan,A. Moutoussi,J. Nash,J.K. Sedgbeer,A.M. Stacey,M.D. Williams,G. Dissertori,P. Girtler,D. Kuhn,G. Rudolph,A.P. Betteridge,C.K. Bowdery,P. Colrain,G. Crawford,A.J. Finch,F. Foster,G. Hughes,T. Sloan,M.I. Williams,A. Galla,A.M. Greene,K. Kleinknecht,G. Quast,B. Renk,E. Rohne,H.-G. Sander,P. van Gemmeren,C. Zeitnitz,J.J. Aubert,A.M. Bencheikh,C. Benchouk,A. Bonissent,G. Bujosa,D. Calvet,J. Carr,C. Diaconu,F. Etienne,N. Konstantinidis,P. Payre,D. Rousseau,M. Talby,A. Sadouki,M. Thulasidas,K. Trabelsi,M. Aleppo,F. Ragusa,I. Abt,R. Assmann,C. Bauer,W. Blum,H. Dietl,F. Dydak,G. Ganis,C. Gotzhein,K. Jakobs,H. Kroha,G. Lütjens,G. Lutz,W. Männer,H.-G. Moser,R. Richter,A. Rosado-Schlosser,S. Schael,R. Settles,H. Seywerd,R.St. Denis,W. Wiedenmann,G. Wolf,J. Boucrot,O. Callot,A. Cordier,M. Davier,L. Duflot,J.-F. Grivaz,Ph. Heusse,M. Jacquet,D.W. Kim,F. Le Diberder,J. Lefrançois,A.-M. Lutz,I. Nikolic,H.J. Park,I.C. Park,M.-H. Schune,S. Simion,J.-J. Veillet,I. Videau,P. Azzurri,G. Bagliesi,G. Batignani,S. Bettarini,C. Bozzi,G. Calderini,M. Carpinelli,M.A. Ciocci,V. Ciulli,R. Dell'Orso,R. Fantechi,I. Ferrante,L. Foà,F. Forti,A. Giassi,M.A. Giorgi,A. Gregorio,F. Ligabue,A. Lusiani,P.S. Marrocchesi,A. Messineo,G. Rizzo,G. Sanguinetti,A. Sciabà,P. Spagnolo,J. Steinberger,R. Tenchini,G. Tonelli,C. Vannini,P.G. Verdini,J. Walsh,G.A. Blair,L.M. Bryant,F. Cerutti,J.T. Chambers,Y. Gao,M.G. Green,T. Medcalf,P. Perrodo,J.A. Strong,J.H. von Wimmersperg-Toeller,D.R. Botterill,R.W. Clifft,T.R. Edgecock,S. Haywood,P. Maley,P.R. Norton,J.C. Thompson,A.E. Wright,B. Bloch-Devaux,P. Colas,S. Emery,W. Kozanecki,E. Lançon,M.C. Lemaire,E. Locci,B. Marx,P. Perez,J. Rander,J.-F. Renardy,A. Roussarie,J.-P. Schuller,J. Schwindling,A. Trabelsi,B. Vallage,S.N. Black,J.H. Dann,R.P. Johnson,H.Y. Kim,A.M. Litke,M.A. McNeil,G. Taylor,C.N. Booth,R. Boswell,C.A.J. Brew,S. Cartwright,F. Combley,A. Koksal,M. Letho,W.M. Newton,J. Reeve,L.F. Thompson,A. Böhrer,S. Brandt,V. Büscher,G. Cowan,C. Grupen,G. Lutters,J. Minguet-Rodriguez,F. Rivera,P. Saraiva,L. Smolik,F. Stephan,M. Apollonio,L. Bosisio,R. Della Marina,G. Giannini,B. Gobbo,G. Musolino,J. Rothberg,S. Wasserbaech,S.R. Armstrong,L. Bellantoni,P. Elmer,Z. Feng,D.P.S. Ferguson,Y.S. Gao,S. González,J. Grahl,T.C. Greening,J.L. Harton,O.J. Hayes,H. Hu,P.A. McNamara,J.M. Nachtman,W. Orejudos,Y.B. Pan,Y. Saadi,M. Schmitt,I.J. Scott,V. Sharma,A.M. Walsh,Sau Lan Wu,X. Wu,J.M. Yamartino,M. Zheng,G. Zobernig


Cited 38|Views147
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In a data sample of four million hadronic Z decays collected with the ALEPH detector at LEP, four Lambda(b) baryon candidates are exclusively reconstructed in the Lambda(b) --> Lambda(c)(+) pi(-) channel, with the Lambda(c)(+) decaying into pK(-) pi(+), or Lambda pi(+) pi(+) pi(-). The probability of the observed signal to be due to a background fluctuation is estimated to be 4.2 x 10(-4). The mass of the Lambda(b) is measured to be 5614 +/- 21 (stat.) +/- 4 (syst.) MeV/c(2).
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