Comparing two spatial variables with the probability of agreement


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Computing the agreement between 2 continuous sequences is of great interest in statistics when comparing 2 instruments or one instrument with a gold standard. The probability of agreement quantifies the similarity between 2 variables of interest, and it is useful for determining what constitutes a practically important difference. In this article, we introduce a generalization of the PA for the treatment of spatial variables. Our proposal makes the PA dependent on the spatial lag. We establish the conditions for which the PA decays as a function of the distance lag for isotropic stationary and nonstationary spatial processes. Estimation is addressed through a first-order approximation that guarantees the asymptotic normality of the sample version of the PA. The sensitivity of the PA with respect to the covariance parameters is studied for finite sample size. The new method is described and illustrated with real data involving autumnal changes in the green chromatic coordinate (G(cc)), an index of "greenness" that captures the phenological stage of tree leaves, is associated with carbon flux from ecosystems, and is estimated from repeated images of forest canopies.
bivariate gaussian spatial process,covariance functions,G(cc) index,spatiotemporal process
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