Improvement in the production efficiency and product quality of any agricultural commodity results from the development of superior production environments and breeding of cultivars specifically


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adapted to these superior environments. By integrating the results of research in plant breeding and production physiology into cultivars and cultural practices, California has become the dominant producer of both fresh and processed strawberry fruit in the world, providing greater than 80% of the strawberries consumed in North America. The California strawberry industry is presently faced with the combined challenges of an increasingly competitive market and rising production costs. The security of this industry is further compromised by a likelihood that our most effective soil fumigant, methyl bromide, will be unavailable after 2001. The competitive position currently held by California strawberry growers in North America can be traced to novel cultural practices that depend on a healthy Soil environment. Consequently, fumigation for effective control of soil pests and pathogens is fundamental to all of our established cultural practices. The relative long- term effectiveness of alternative soil fumigants is difficult to predict, but research conducted to date confirms that the alternatives available at present will be more costly, less effective, or both. As a consequence, strawberry producers in California must overcome market and production cost barriers while facing either a net decrease in the quality of their production environment or increased production cost to obtain equivalent soil conditions. Objectives:
breedinq,qenetics,cultural practices
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