Crawling Policies Based on Web Page Popularity Prediction.

ECIR 2014: Proceedings of the 36th European Conference on IR Research on Advances in Information Retrieval - Volume 8416(2014)

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In this paper, we focus on crawling strategies for newly discovered URLs. Since it is impossible to crawl all the new pages right after they appear, the most important or popular pages should be crawled with a higher priority. One natural measure of page importance is the number of user visits. However, the popularity of newly discovered URLs cannot be known in advance, and therefore should be predicted relying on URLs' features. In this paper, we evaluate several methods for predicting new page popularity against previously investigated crawler performance measurements, and propose a novel measurement setup aiming to evaluate crawler performance more realistically. In particular, we compare short-term and long-term popularity of new ephemeral URLs by estimating the rate of popularity decay. Our experiments show that the information about popularity decay can be effectively used for optimizing ordering policies of crawlers, but further research is required to predict it accurately enough.
crawling policies, new web pages, popularity prediction
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