16O+8Be breakup of 24Mg via the 12C(20Ne, 16O8Be)8Be and 12C(24Mg, 16O8Be)12C reactions


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A study of the C-12(Ne-20, O-16 Be-8)Be-8 and C-12(Mg-24, O-16 Be-8)C-12 reactions has revealed O-16+Be-8 breakup occurring from specific states in the Mg-24 nucleus at high-excitation energies. A spin assignment has been determined for one of these states from an angular correlation measurement of the breakup fragments. In the 20Ne beam reaction, states have been identified at 22.33, 22.96, 24.00, 24.43, 24.88, 25.53, 27.35, 27.97, 28.88, and 30.13 MeV, and in the Mg-24 beam reaction states have been identified at 20.58, 21.54, 22.70, and 24.31 MeV. The results have been compared with previous measurements of the C-12+C-12 breakup channel.
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