A spectrum analyzer for the millimeter-wavelength range and the results of an investigation of ozone of the upper atmosphere

Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics(1986)

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A multichannel superheterodyne receiver for the !!0-150-GHz frequency range with spectral resolution of 0.0001 cm -i and the observation procedure are described. The results of measurements of the O~ atmospheric line, rotational transition QR(100), with a resonance frequency vij = 142175.10 MHz, are given. The amount of ozone in the earth's stratosphere is determined from data of observations of the ozone radio line. The average total O 5 above 30 km for the Alma-Ata region (Aprll I-3, 1983) was L.I'I018 mo[ecules/cm 2. investigations of minor constituents of the earth's atmosphere (oa, NO, NaO, NO 2, HNO 3, H202, HCI, CIO etc.) are carried out mainly using two groups of methods, remote and contact. Remote methods of obtaining information (total content along the line of sight) on small admixtures employ the ultraviolet, visible, and infrared regions of the spectrum. Contact methods operate with direct sampling of the air and its subsequent analysis. In the majority of cases these methods are used to determine the vertical profiles of atmospheric constituents~ Rockets, airplanes, and other flying craft are used to raise the instruments serving for observations of gaseous admixtures direct&y into the upper atmosphere. Among the remote methods, the most popular at present is the method of absorption spectroscopy, employing the optical and infrared wavelength ranges. The errors of observations using optical methods are connected mainly with allowance for molecular and aerosol scattering. The main factor limiting the measurement accuracy is the aerosol correction. It is connected with the variability of the characteristics (amount and compos~s of atmospheric aerosol in space and time. Fourier spectrometers are widely used in the infrared wavelength region to observe minor constituents. The difficulties of quantitative interpretation of the vibrationaL-rota tlonal spectra obtained and the insufficient reso[vlng power of the instruments in frequency iD this range limit the effectiveness
Atmosphere,Ozone,Spectrum Analyzer
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