The functional matrix hypothesis revisited. 3. The genomic thesis

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics(1997)

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Although the initial versions of the functional matrix hypothesis (FMH) theoretically posited the ontogenetic primacy of “function,” it is only in recent years that advances in the morphogenetic, engineering, and computer sciences provided an integrated experimental and numerical data base that permitted recent significant revisions of the FMH—revisions that strongly support the primary role of function in craniofacial growth and development. Acknowledging that the currently dominant scientific paradigm suggests that genomic, instead of epigenetic (functional) factors, regulate (cause, control) such growth, an analysis of this continuing controversy was deemed useful. Accordingly the method of dialectical analysis, is employed, stating a thesis, an antithesis, and a resolving synthesis based primarily on an extensive review of the pertinent current literature. This article extensively reviews the genomic hypothesis and offers a critique intended to remove some of the unintentional conceptual obscurantism that has recently come to surround it. (Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop 1997;112:338-42.)
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