Significance of sedimentological studies to man's use of transitory coastal areas

Environmental Earth Sciences(1975)

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A beach-ridge complex is a migrating sediment body constructed and kept in motion by high-energy processes, and the same processes that construct these features will, in time, partially or completely destroy them. The beach-ridge complex along the shore of southwestern Lake Michigan serves as an example. This body of sediment, approximately 17 by 3 km has undergone considerable change in the last 3,000 years, moving about 13 km along the shore as a result of forces generated by the Lake Michigan system — erosion at the northern end, deposition of the displaced sediment at the southern end of the complex. Sedimentological analysis of the beach-ridge complex demonstrates that each major modern environment can be characterized by a unique range in grain sizes, which make it possible to determine the environment in which the subsurface sediments were deposited. Lateral and thickness distribution of textural types can then be predicted. Erosion has been an important natural geologic process in the development of the beach-ridge complex, but it has become a problem only since man has occupied the nearshore areas. It will continue to be a problem, particularly at times of high lake level. Man's attempts to protect these areas by trying to alter the natural processes frequently have upset the delicate natural balance, unintentionally accelerating destruction in other areas. Beach replenishment is one method that would adapt well to this coast because there is an adequate supply of sand in the subsurface of the beach ridge complex whose grain size matches that of the modern beach sand.
grain size
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