Measuring the nuclear charge of fission fragments using a large ionization chamber—part of the double-arm time-of-flight spectrometer

A. N. Tyukavkin,Yu. V. Pyatkov,D. V. Kamanin,Yu. N. Kopatch,A. A. Alexandrov,I. A. Alexandrova, S. B. Borzakov,Yu. N. Voronov, S. V. Denisov, G. L. Efimov,V. E. Zhuchko, N. A. Kondratyev, E. A. Kuznetsova, Yu. E. Lavrova, S. V. Mitrofanov,Ts. Panteleev,V. S. Salamatin, I. P. Tsurin

Instruments and Experimental Techniques(2009)

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Identification of decay products is a relevant task in studying rare collinear decays of low excited heavy nuclei. A technique for measuring the nuclear charge of decay products detected by a wide-aperture ionization chamber—a part of the double-arm time-of-flight spectrometer—is described. Two versions of nuclear charge calibration using data of the reaction 235 U( n th , f ) have been developed to determine the charge of the decay products. Testing with simulation data shows that the use of charge parameterization based on the Bohr-Willer empirical equation in the calibration procedure makes it possible to determine the nuclear charge of the fission fragments over a wide energy range. The charges of light ions from He to C, predicted on the basis of this approach, appear to be overestimated by two charge units.
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