Abstracts of papers presented at the 12th congress of the israeli phytopathological society

Y. Henis,J. Rotem,Edna Tanne,Ruth Marcus,B. Raccah,E. Dubitzky,Michal Reuven,Y. Nitzani, Hillela Vigodsky-Haas, Y. Mor, Y. Ben-Yephet,D. Shtienberg,W. E. Fry,H. Yunis,Y. Elad,Y. Mahrer,A. Gera,G. Loebenstein,R. Salomon,A. Franck,Z. Amsellem,A. Sharon, J. Gressel,P. C. Quimby,A. Sharon, J. Gressel, Z. Amsellem,Noga Zelikovitch,Z. Eyal,Edna Levy,Z. Eyal,Ayala Hochman,I. Chet,R. I. Brick,Z. Solel,I. S. Ben Ze’ev,Z. Madar,Z. Solel,A. Sztejnberg,Hanne Volpin,H. Yunis,Y. Elad, R. Fluhr,T. Lotan,N. Ori,D. Prusky,R. A. Plumbley,Ilana Kobiler,M. Balass,Y. Cohen,M. Bar-Joseph,R. Cohen, B. Blayer, Y. Ben-Yephet,M. Reuven,Y. Mor,M. Lampel,Hillela Vigodsky-Haas,J. Manisterski,D. Kadish,M. Grinberger,Y. Cohen, D. Kadish,Y. Cohen,Shulamit Manulis,Y. Gafni,D. Zutra,Y. Ophir,I. Barash,Talma Katan,D. Zamir,Matti Sarfatti,J. Katan,H. Yunis,Y. Elad,A. Omari,Y. Zelberstein,A. Grinstein,Y. Elad,Z. Tsdaka,B. Kirshner,H. Frankel,H. Aviram,Y. Zilberstein,Y. Spiegel,E. Cohn,S. Galper,Drorit Lapid,Edna Sharon,I. Chet,Y. Inbar,I. Chet,M. Flaishman,Z. Eyal,R. MANDELBAUM,Y. HADAR,A. Ordentlich,A. Nachmias,Y. Strashnov,I. Chet,Lea Madi,Talma Katan,Y. Henis,A. Grinstein,A. Hetzroni,G. Kritzman,A. Gamliel,M. Mor,J. Katan,S. Freeman, A. Sztejnberg,E. Shabi,J. Katan,G. Kritzman,A. Grinstein,A. Gamliel,J. Katan,S. Warshavsky,G. Marashak,Gilia Huberman,A. Gamliel,J. Katan,S. Freeman,C. Ginzburg,J. Katan,E. Almon,D. Asenheim,O. Oko, Y. Ben-Yephet,S. Mhameed,Z. Toledano,A. Regev,Y. Szmulewich,Z. Sando,S. Dar,Z. R. Frank,J. Katan,Y. Ben-Yephet,B. Blayer,R. Cohen,J. Katan,Mishael Mor,E. Jurkevitch,Y. Hadar,Y. Chen,J. Krikun,Y. Peretz,R. Barak,L. Livescu,A. Nachmias,G. Kritzman,S. Ovadia,Aliza Meiri,Ronit Cohen,N. Lisker,Hefziba Avraham


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Late Blight,LDPE,Metalaxyl,Methyl Bromide,Gray Mold
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