Sams Teach Yourself Windows Networking in 24 Hours

Peter Kuo,John Pence

Sams Teach Yourself Windows Networking in 24 Hours(1999)

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From the Publisher:Sams Teach Yourself Windows Networking in 24 Hours is the only introductory networking book on the market to focus on connectivity issues regarding all releases of Windows-95, 98, and NT. The book requires no previous knowledge of networking. In just 24 one-hour lessons, learn to understand network interface cards and drivers; the strengths and limitations of various cabling schemes; the intricacies of TCP/IP addressing, sub-netting and routing; the choices available in transport protocols, their strengths and weaknesses; and how and where to implement security measures to protect the network and its data. Learn all of the basic concepts of Windows networking. Every concept is explained in simple terms using - wherever possible - examples drawn from familiar daily activities This is the perfect book for the small business/home office user who doesn't consider himself a "Dummy" or an "Idiot", but simply a novice when it comes to connecting computers
basic concept,connectivity issue,windows network,sams teach,network interface card,perfect book,familiar daily activity,windows networking,home office user,introductory networking book
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