An ecology based interpretation of district “complexification”: the Prato district evolution from 1946 to 1993

The Technological Evolution of Industrial DistrictsEconomics of Science, Technology and Innovation(2003)

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The ever growing uncertainty and variability of the environment impose upon economic operators, and not only on them, a constant re-examination of position and constant profile readjustment based upon the oncoming configurations. In a context of this type an ever more complex entity such as the industrial district1?, even if successful, cannot evade facing the changes in act. It must constantly re-examine its position on the market, striving to identify and exploit the opportunities which are created and overcome the difficulties as they arise. A re-definition of the district profile is therefore a particularly elaborate process because, still searching for new configurations, it is necessary to keep solid ties with the tradition from which so many efficient elements of local systems are derived.
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