Planetary Geochemistry Techniques: Probing In-Situ with Neutron and Gamma Rays (PING) Instrument

A. Parsons,J. Bodnarik,Dan Bürger, L. G. Evans,S. R. Floyd, Lingli Liu, T. P. McClanahan, M. Nankung, S. Nowicki,Jeffrey S. Schweitzer, R. Starr, J. Trombka

42nd Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference(2011)

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The Probing In situ with Neutrons and Gamma rays (PING) instrument is a promising planetary science application of the active neutron-gamma ray technology so successfully used in oil field well logging and mineral exploration on Earth. The objective of our technology development program at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center's (NASA/GSFC) Astrochemistry Laboratory is to extend the application of neutron interrogation techniques to landed in situ planetary composition measurements by using a 14 MeV Pulsed Neutron Generator (PNG) combined with neutron and gamma ray detectors, to probe the surface and subsurface of planetary bodies without the need to drill. We are thus working to bring the PING instrument to the point where it can be flown on a variety of surface lander or rover missions to the Moon, Mars, Venus, asteroids, comets and the satellites of the outer planets.
gamma rays,mineral exploration,neutrons,gamma ray,geochemistry
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