Prevention of schizophrenia


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This article reviews progress made in the identification of vulnerability to schizophrenia in genetic high-risk groups. Dimensions of vulnerability include cognitive, clinical and social functions, among others. Based on studies of dysfunction in these areas, specialized programs are being developed to focus on recognizing rates and patterns of transition to schizophrenia, and intervention techniques that include psychopharmacological and psychotherapeutic techniques. After considering a current conceptualization of schizotaxia, the identification of novel endophenotypes that may include brain function, molecular biology or other medical functions will be considered, in addition to clinical, social and neuropsychological measures. Eventually, it is hoped that areas of vulnerability will coalesce into validated syndromes of liability that can be used to identify individuals who are most likely to develop schizophrenia-related disorders. This strategy will then allow the formation of more homogenous treatment groups to use in developing early intervention and prevention strategies in the not-too-distant future.
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duration of untreated psychosis,endophenotypes,liability syndromes,specialized programs,vulnerability to psychosis
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