Vaginale Geburt

Der Gynäkologe(2024)

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In the recent past, a tendency toward "cesarean section on request" can be observed in obstetrical practice. There are numerous reasons (some of an unconscious kind) why some studies in this field have been so well received. These are rooted in women's understandable fear of a painful birth and the resultant loss of control. On the other hand,they are also favored by the physician since the cesarean section allows us to carry out the seemingly safe and forensically secure procedure, providing us with a sense of relief for having proceeded actively.Therefore, it seems necessary to review the relevant background of such a procedure from the psychological point of view to find independently evidenced justification for the decision to carry out a cesarean section. Based on scientific medical data,the cesarean section on request should not become a routine procedure.It is thus essential to individually examine every request for cesarean section and to reach a joint decision. A general recommendation in favor of or against cesarean section does not seem to be practical.
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Twin gestation,Fetal extraction,Amniotomy,Anesthesia, epidural,Following twin
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