Bi feedback

Judy Burnham,Mikhail Alexeyev,Rajeev Samant, Ronald Allison, Shyla Reddy,Cathy Tuck-Muller, Jian Yang,Joseph Brewer, Ian Magonigal, Felricia Moyer, Jonothan Scammell,Coral Gubler, Rosemary Rhodes


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Welcome all new students and welcome back all returning students, faculty and clini- cians. We in the Biomedical libraries have been quite busy overthe Summer finishing off projects from last year and preparing for the new academic and fiscal year. We believe you will be pleasantly surprised bythe length and breadth of our collections and services, espe- cially in the area of electronic media. In terms of access to online full-text journals, the USA Biomedical Library now ranks 7th in the nation in the number of titles available. 90% of these full text titles are accessible from home, your offices, or anyplace else with an Internet connection. A number of important electronic resources have been added over the Summer. Specifics are listed elsewhere in this issue of Biofeedback. Our connection to the university network backbone was upgraded from 10mb to 100mb over the Summer. This will greatly enhance speed of searching and downloading from the Web. Please excuse our dust in September (expected) while we continue to improve the library by installing compact shelving in the back part of the campus biomedical library's first floor. This will nearly triple the amount of shelving space in that area. We expect any disruptions to be minimal. Access to the materials will be available consistently throughout the project. --Thomas L. Williams
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