From Mini House Game to Hobby-Driven Behavioral Biometrics-Based Password

Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications(2013)

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It is believed that one of the major problems botheringpeople is that the password is prone to be forgotten whensigning in services on the Internet. Although both recognitionbasedgraphical password schemes and behavioral biometricsbasedpassword schemes have been widely known in the field ofinformation security because of their relatively high security leveland being easy to memorize, the remaining security problems ongraphical password schemes and accuracy issues upon behavioralbiometrics-based password schemes are still great bottlenecks, which prevents them from being populated. In this paper acomprehensive study on habitual behaviors driven by hobbies willbe presented firstly. Then a novel authentication system, whichreaches a reasonable high security standard and accuracy level bycombining the hobby-driven behavioral biometric technique andrecognition-based graphical password techniques, is introduced. The key characteristic of the system lies in behavioral featuresrelated to style, color, position and habitual operating order ofthe object images for authentication. These metrics are relativelyunique from person to person but steady because such a repeatedbehavior in daily life is a hobby-driven habitual behavior. Andfinally, the experiments' result analysis is available, which showsthat the novel authentication system can maintain robust whenfacing traditional attacks while stay easy to remember at thesame time.
hobby-driven behavioral biometrics-based password,field ofinformation security,remaining security problem,graphical password technique,mini house game,recognitionbasedgraphical password scheme,behavioral biometricsbasedpassword scheme,reasonable high security standard,high security leveland,behavioralbiometrics-based password scheme,password scheme,novel authentication system,layout,similarity,authorisation,internet,authentication,information security,games,feature extraction,servers,computer graphics
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