Job Scheduling Algorithm In Cloud Environment

Computational and Information Sciences(2013)

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This paper researches on the cloud computing technology systematically and comprehensively, and proposes a scheduling algorithm in the cloud environment based on the Berg model, which is a sociological justice distribution theory. This algorithm adapts to the commercialization and virtualization features of cloud computing, differs from traditional job scheduling algorithm's character - focusing on efficiency, and establishes dual fairness constraints under the cloud environment. For tasks with multiple Qos properties, this paper gives multiple generally expect in processing tasks by applying people element analysis theory. Job scheduling simulation program has been achieved on the extend CloudSim platform, which is recompiled and generated. And the algorithm simulation validation and comparative analysis of the experiments showed that the algorithm can effectively perform user tasks meanwhile reflect better fairness.
cloud computing technology,scheduling,algorithm simulation validation,algorithm adapts,job scheduling algorithm,scheduling algorithm,social aspects of automation,cloud computing technology systematically,comparative analysis,fairness constraints,cloudsim,job scheduling simulation program,better fairness,dual fairness constraints,traditional job scheduling algorithm,commercialization features,sociological justice distribution theory,cloudsim platform,virtualisation,virtualization features,cloud environment,people element analysis theory,cloud computing,berg model,computational modeling,resource management,algorithm design and analysis,scheduling algorithms
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