Intercloud Architecture Framework for Heterogeneous Cloud Based Infrastructure Services Provisioning On-Demand

Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops(2013)

Cited 37|Views1
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This paper presents on-going research to develop the Intercloud Architecture Framework (ICAF) that addresses problems in multi-provider multi-domain heterogeneous cloud based infrastructure services and applications integration and interoperability, to allow their on-demand provisioning. The paper refers to existing standards and ongoing standardisation activity in Cloud Computing, in particular, recently published NIST Cloud Computing Reference Architecture (CCRA) and ITU-T JCA-Cloud activity. The proposed ICAF defines four complementary components addressing Intercloud integration and interoperability: multi-layer Cloud Services Model that combines commonly adopted cloud service models, such as IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, in one multilayer model with corresponding inter-layer interfaces, Intercloud Control and Management Plane that supports cloud based applications interaction, Intercloud Federation Framework, and Intercloud Operations Framework. The paper briefly describes the Service delivery and lifecycle management as an important ICAF component that provides a basis for consistent management and security of the provisioned on-demand complex cloud based services. The paper describes an implementation of the Intercloud Control and Management Plane in the GEYSERS project to allow optimal provisioning of the combined Network+IT resources in the inter-cloud environment. The proposed architecture is intended to provide an architectural model for developing Intercloud middleware and in this way will facilitate clouds interoperability and integration.
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Key words
cloud computing,open systems,software architecture,GEYSERS project,ICAF component,IaaS,PaaS,SaaS,cloud based applications interaction,cloud computing,cloud interoperability,cloud service model,heterogeneous cloud based infrastructure services,intercloud architecture framework,intercloud control,intercloud federation framework,intercloud integration,intercloud middleware,intercloud operations framework,interlayer interface,lifecycle management,management plane,multilayer cloud services model,multilayer model,on-demand provisioning,service delivery,standardisation activity,Cloud Computing Reference Architecture,Cloud Security,Intercloud Architecture,Intercloud Control and Management Plane,Intercloud Federation Framework,Intercloud Operation Framework,Multi-layer Cloud Services Model,
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