Enhancing readability of web documents by text augmentation for deaf people

WIMS '13: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics(2013)

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Deaf people have particular difficulty in understanding text-based web documents because their mother language, or sign language, is essentially visually oriented. To enhance the readability of text-based web documents for deaf people, we propose a news display system that converts complex sentences in news articles into simple sentences and presents the relations among them with a graphical representation. In particular, we focus on the tasks of 1) identifying subordinate and embedded clauses in complex sentences, 2) relocating them for better readability and 3) displaying the relations among the clauses with the graphical representation. The results of our evaluation show that the proposed system does simplify complex sentences in news articles effectively while maintaining their intended meaning, suggesting that our system can be used in practice to help deaf people to access textual information.
enhancing readability,mother language,graphical representation,complex sentence,particular difficulty,text-based web document,news display system,deaf people,better readability,proposed system,text augmentation,news article,text simplification,web accessibility
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