Research on AOS Link Establishment Protocol

Jin Xia, Gang Li

ICEICE '12 Proceedings of the 2012 Second International Conference on Electric Information and Control Engineering - Volume 01(2012)

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The Advanced Orbiting System (AOS) has been adopted and realized in many aero-space missions in our country such as manned spacecraft projects etc. And it will be used more extensively in future aerospace plans like moon exploration projects, tracking and data relay satellites. In this paper, the requirements on space link layer performance of AOS from the target high-speed aerospace communication instance are first fully explored, and then the factors that affect the throughput and delay performance are systematically discussed. Especially, the key algorithm will be elaborated. In the last part, a model for AOS protocol is built, and the simulation shows that this model has good reliability and efficiency.
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Key words
AOS protocol,delay performance,future aerospace plan,space link layer performance,spacecraft projects etc.,target high-speed aerospace communication,Advanced Orbiting System,aero-space mission,good reliability,key algorithm,AOS Link Establishment Protocol
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