An open platform for the protocolization of home medical supervision

Expert Systems with Applications(2013)

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This paper describes SERVANDO, a distributed open platform that deals with a series of recurrent problems in current telemedicine systems, particularly: (1) the scheduling of the different medical actions that should be executed, organized in a personalized agenda generated from a follow-up protocol; (2) functionality encapsulation and reuse in a set of services; (3) communications between the home of the patient and the hospital, through a flexible scheme for bidirectional message exchange; or (4) the management of the events generated during the monitoring. Supervision of patients is carried out through last generation smartphones. SERVANDO provides comprehensive facilities for generic telemedicine applications development, adaptable according to the disease and the particular characteristics of the patient. At the moment, with validation purposes, a follow-up protocol for the supervision of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease has been implemented.
generic telemedicine applications development,follow-up protocol,current telemedicine system,last generation smartphones,bidirectional message exchange,different medical action,home medical supervision,functionality encapsulation,comprehensive facility,open platform,flexible scheme,chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
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