Extrapolated Biogeography-Based Optimization (eBBO) for Global Numerical Optimization and Microstrip Patch Antenna Design


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Biogeography-Based Optimization (BBO) uses the idea of probabilistically sharing features between solutions based on the solutions' fitness values. Therefore, its exploitation ability is good but it lacks in exploration ability. In this paper, the authors extend the original BBO and propose a hybrid version combined with ePSO (particle swarm optimization with extrapolation technique), namely eBBO, for unconstrained global numerical optimization problems in the continuous domain. eBBO combines the exploitation ability of BBO with the exploration ability of ePSO effectively, which can generate global optimum solutions. To validate the performance of eBBO, experiments have been conducted on 23 standard benchmark problems with a range of dimensions and diverse complexities and compared with original BBO and other versions of BBO in terms of the quality of the final solution and the convergence rate. Influence of population size and scalability study is also considered and results are compared with statistical paired t-test. Experimental analysis indicates that the proposed approach is effective and efficient and improves the exploration ability of BBO.
global numerical optimization,global optimum solution,continuous domain,microstrip patch antenna design,original bbo,biogeography-based optimization,particle swarm optimization,exploration ability,exploitation ability,unconstrained global numerical optimization,extrapolated biogeography-based optimization,diverse complexity,convergence rate,optimization,exploration,scalability
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