Influence and Countermeasures on the Ship-borne Communication Equipment of Naval Field Complex Electromagnetic Environment

Distributed Computing and Applications to Business, Engineering & Science(2012)

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In modern naval combat missions, the ability of warships communication to complete all distance communication is required, and warships communication provide adequate, stable and reliable performance communication lines for all the shore, sea, air and underwater environment, and possess the communication ways and means to resist all the harsh environment, and also requires the use of advanced communication technology, to withstand the strong electromagnetic interference and destruction in the sea battlefield environment. But in the naval battlefield environment, the influence of the wireless communication during the field environment is not only natural weather conditions, the more important influence is the complex electromagnetic environment of the naval battles. On the basis of analysis of the concept and connotation of complex electromagnetic environment, the influence and countermeasures on the ship-borne communication equipment of naval field complex electromagnetic environment are all discussed in this paper.
complex electromagnetic environment,naval field,field environment,warships communication,harsh environment,advanced communication technology,sea battlefield environment,naval battlefield environment,communication way,ship-borne communication equipment,reliable performance communication line,distance communication,naval engineering,electromagnetics,electronic countermeasures,telecommunication equipment,electromagnetic interference,interference,communications equipment
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