Ricker Wavelet Based Seismic Trace Matching Pursuit Decomposition and Wigner-Ville Time-frequency Analysis

ICETCE '12 Proceedings of the 2012 Second International Conference on Electric Technology and Civil Engineering(2012)

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The high accuracy time-frequency representation of non-stationary signals is one of the key researches in seismic signal analysis. Low-frequency part of the seismic data often has a higher frequency resolution, on the contrary it tends to have lower frequency resolution in the high frequency part. It's difficult to fine characterize the time-frequency variation of non-stationary seismic signals by conventional time-frequency analysis methods due to the limitation of the window function. Therefore based on the Ricker wavelet, we put forward the matching pursuit seismic trace decomposition method. It decomposes the seismic records into a series of single component atoms with different frequency and energy, by making use of the Wigner-Ville distribution, has the time-frequency resolution of seismic signal reach the limiting resolution of the uncertainty principle and skillfully avoid the impact of interference terms in conventional Wigner-Ville distribution.
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Key words
non-stationary seismic signal,seismic data,seismic record,seismic signal,seismic signal analysis,seismic trace decomposition method,conventional time-frequency analysis method,different frequency,high accuracy time-frequency representation,high frequency part,Ricker Wavelet,Seismic Trace Matching Pursuit,Wigner-Ville Time-frequency Analysis
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