Inferring Assertion for Complementary Synthesis

ICCAD '11 Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design(2012)

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Complementary synthesis can automatically synthesize the decoder circuit of an encoder. However, its user needs to manually specify an assertion on some configuration pins to prevent the encoder from reaching the nonworking states. To avoid this tedious task, this paper propose an automatic approach to infer this assertion, by iteratively discovering and removing cases without decoders. To discover all decoders that may exist simultaneously under this assertion, a second algorithm based on functional dependency is proposed to decompose $\BBR$, the Boolean relation that uniquely determines the encoder's input, into all possible decoders. To help the user select the correct decoder, a third algorithm is proposed to infer each decoder's precondition formula, which represents those cases that lead to this decoder's existence. Experimental results on several complex encoders indicate that our algorithm can always infer assertions and generate decoders for them. Moreover, when multiple decoders exist simultaneously, the user can easily select the correct one by inspecting their precondition formulas.
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Key words
network synthesis,complex encoder circuit,craig interpolation,cofactoring,configuration pin,codecs,complementary synthesis,automatic approach,particular assertion,encoding,infer assertion,halting algorithm,final assertion,encoder,boolean relation,decoder precondition formula,invalid value,inferring assertion,functional dependency,decoder circuit,configuration pins,decoding,satisfiability,interpolation
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