Benchmarking and Evaluation Support for Self-Adaptive Distributed Systems

Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems(2012)

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Increasingly, distributed systems have to deal with highly dynamic and hardly predictable environments. This trend, in conjunction with rising demands for sophisticated non-functional system requirements, challenges both the development and operation (i.e. management) of traditional distributed systems. One promising approach to cope with these challenges are self-adaptive distributed systems that are characterized by the capability to configure and maintain themselves. However, the inherent dynamic of self-adaptive systems requires intensive evaluation and benchmarking efforts in order to ensure the intended system behaviour. In order to support that, this paper presents a framework that aims at supporting the nominal-actual comparison of self-adaptive distributed systems as well as the comparison of different self-adaptive solutions with respect to a specific software implementation task. The underlying approach consists of (i) a declarative definition language and (ii) a software component that is capable of conducting evaluations and benchmarks on different software implementations.
specific software implementation task,software component,intended system behaviour,different software implementation,self-adaptive system,sophisticated non-functional system requirement,inherent dynamic,promising approach,nominal-actual comparison,different self-adaptive solution,evaluation support,distributed processing,benchmark testing,software systems,adaptive systems,benchmarking,evaluation,measurement,computer architecture
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