A new formal description model of network attacking and defence knowledge of oil and gas field SCADA system

APWeb'12 Proceedings of the 14th international conference on Web Technologies and Applications(2012)

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In this paper, we analyse the factors affecting the network security of a gas SCADA system. We model the security problem in the SCADA system into an online digital intelligent defensing process, including all reasoning judgment, thinking and expression in attacking and defence. This model abstracts and establishes a corresponding and equivalent network attacking and defence knowledge system. Also, we study the formal knowledge theory of SCADA network for oil and gas fields though exploring the factors state space, factors express, equivalence partitioning etc, and then put forward a network attack effect fuzzy evaluation model using factor neural network theory. The experimental results verify the effectiveness of the model and the algorithm, which lays the foundation for the research of the simulation method.
defence knowledge system,scada system,equivalent network attacking,new formal description model,factor neural network theory,gas field scada system,network security,scada network,model abstract,factors state space,fuzzy evaluation model,network attack effect
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