Coregrid/Ercim Workshop On Grids, Clouds And P2p Computing-Cgws2011

Euro-Par'11 Proceedings of the 2011 international conference on Parallel Processing(2012)

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CoreGRID is a European research Network of Excellence (NoE) that was initiated in 2004 as part of the EU FP6 research framework and run up to 2008. CoreGRID partners, from 44 different countries, developed theoretical foundations and software infrastructures for large-scale, distributed Grid and P2P applications. An ERCIM sponsored CoreGRID Working Group was established to ensure the continuity of the CoreGrid programme after the official end of NoE. The working group extended its interests to include the emerging field of (service based) cloud computing which is of great importance to the European software industry. Its main goals consist in i) sustaining the operation of the CoreGRID Network, ii) establishing a forum to encourage collaboration between the Grid and P2P Computing research communities, and (iii) encourage research on the role of cloud computing as a new paradigm for distributed computing in e-Science.
european software industry,coregrid working group,working group,eu fp6 research framework,p2p computing research community,cloud computing,p2p computing,european research network,coregrid network,p2p application,ercim workshop,software infrastructure,coregrid partner
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