Universal maximally flat lowpass FIR systems

IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing(2000)

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The family of FIR digital filters with maximally flat magnitude and group delay response is considered. The filters were proposed by Baher (1982), who furnished them with an analytic procedure for derivation of their transfer function. The contributions of this paper are the following. A simplified formula is presented for the transfer function of the filters. The equivalence of the novel formula with a formula that is derived from Baher's analytical procedure is proved using a modern method for automatic proof of identities involving binomial coefficients. The universality of Baher's filters is then established by proving that they include linear-phase filters, generalized half-band filters, and fractional delay systems. In this way, several classes of maximally flat filters are unified under a single formula. The generating function of the filters is also derived. This enables us to develop multiplierless cellular array structures for exact realization of a subset of the filters. The subset that enjoys such multiplierless realizations includes linear-phase filters, some nonsymmetric filters, and generalized halfband filters. A procedure for designing the cellular array structures is also presented
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Key words
linear-phase filters,novel formula,index terms—fir digital filters,network synthesis,maximally flat filters,fir digital filters,maximally flat group delay response,generalized half-band filter,universal maximally flat lowpass fir systems,systolic arrays.,interpolation,cellular array structure,transfer functions,fractional delay system,universal maximally flat lowpass,cellular array structures design,generalized halfband filters,multiplierless cellular array structures,filter generating function,low-pass filters,maximally flat magnitude response,gen- erating function,filters subset,delays,linear-phase filter,fir filters,digital filters,generalized half-band filters,nonsymmetric filters,generating function,baher's analytical procedure,identities proof,cellular arrays,filtering theory,analytical procedure,transfer function,multiplierless implementation,linear phase filters,fractional delay systems,analytic procedure,fir system,maximally flat magnitude filters,single formula,binomial coefficients,indexing terms,binomial coefficient,linear phase,systolic array,educational technology,low pass filters,finite impulse response filter,frequency response,band pass filters
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