Color Image Edge Detection Arithmetic Based on Color Space

ICCSEE), 2012 International Conference(2012)

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A method to determine whether a pixel is the edge point of a color image is presented. First, according to the characteristic of RGB color space, a color triangle of a pixel is constructed with its color coordinates RGB, and then the perimeter and the internal angle of the color triangle which can be seen as the information value of a pixel is calculated. Last, comparing the value with that in its neighborhood, a pixel is in the edge point or not is determined. This method took the correlation of every color component into account reasonably, and converted the computation of a vector space to scalar quantity in a natural way. Comparing it with traditional method, experimental result shows that more legible edges can be detected with this method and can be realized easily.
arithmetic,edge detection,image colour analysis,rgb color coordinates,rgb color space characteristic,color component correlation,color image edge detection arithmetic,pixel color triangle,vector space computation,color image,color information quantity,color triangle,color,information value,color space,colored noise,shape,correlation,vectors,vector space
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