Results from German research project I-LOV

ACWR '11: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Wireless Technologies for Humanitarian Relief(2011)

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This paper presents the I-LOV system which is the result of a homonymous German integrated research project aiming at improving Urban Search And Rescue (USAR). It comprises three search technologies for the detection and localization of trapped or buried unconscious victims and auxiliary assisting technologies. Victims can be localized through their cellular phone (GSM) if it is active, but this state is not necessarily given. First results detecting inactive phones are presented. However, a victim may not have a phone. In this case, a ground-penetrating radar can be used. A continuous wave and an ultra-wideband (UWB) radar system are presented. A channel model for estimating signal disturbances in debris between victim and receiving antenna is proposed that aims at improving the accuracy of these technologies. Furthermore, the I-LOV system assists decision-makers by a digital communication infrastructure that allows gathering and by an IT-system called FRIEDAA that allows processing, and representation of relevant information such as search results and personnel locations. Therefore, infrastructure and inertial sensor based personal localization systems are presented.
german research project,inactive phone,cellular phone,radar system,personal localization system,i-lov system,unconscious victim,search technology,ground-penetrating radar,digital communication infrastructure,search result,continuous wave,decision maker,information management,ultra wideband,ground penetrating radar,local system,radar
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