Design and development of a context-aware decision support system for real-time accident handling in logistics

Decision Support Systems(2012)

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This paper describes the design and development of a context-aware fleet management system (CFMS) prototype for real-time accident handling in logistics using a design science approach. One of the most important decisions in fleet management is the optimization of vehicle scheduling during an accident, such as a vehicle breakdown and mechanical failure during delivery. The schedule planner has to assign another vehicle to take over the task; thus, accident handling needs the reassignment or re-scheduling of vehicles. The large number of available vehicles for reassignment and numerous trips in a day make rescheduling complicated and difficult to resolve. In this paper, we propose a CFMS integrated with global positioning system (GPS) for real-time vehicle positioning and eSeal enabled by the RFID technology, to help human planners with rescheduling. A CFMS prototype was built and evaluated in a real-world setting. The system prototype was satisfactory during evaluation. The system was found to be more effective by its potential users and field logistics experts in aiding real-time accident handling in logistics. The design science approach used to develop the prototype could form a basis for further research.
available vehicle,system prototype,context-aware fleet management system,vehicle breakdown,cfms prototype,global positioning system,context-aware decision support system,accident handling,real-time accident handling,real-time vehicle positioning,design science approach
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