Real-Time Photo Sensor Dead Pixel Detection for Embedded Devices

Digital Image Computing Techniques and Applications(2011)

Cited 13|Views0
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The number of defect pixels in solid state image sensor grows as the digital imagers continue increasing in image size and pixel density. However, limited number of defect pixels is usually allowed after detection and correction techniques are applied. The defect pixel detection and defect pixel correction are operated separately but the former must employ before the latter is in use. Without an excellent detection scheme, the correction algorithm cannot offer impressed result. Therefore, the defect pixel detection becomes very critical to deliver a high quality image. Traditional detection scheme, which finds the defect pixels during manufacturing, is not able to discover the spread defect pixels years late. Consequently, the lifetime and robust defect pixel detection technique, which identifies the fault pixels when camera is in use, is more practical and developed. The paper presents a fast dead pixel detection technique without complicated mathematic computations so that the embedded devices can easily implement it. Twenty-four images with six dead pixel types are tested and the experimental result indicates that it can perform 99.65% of detection.
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Key words
defect pixel correction,defect pixel detection,fault pixel,false negative,dead pixel type,false positive,complicated mathematic computations,embedded devices,defect pixel,robust defect pixel detection technique,real-time photosensor dead pixel detection,stuck low,image size,photodetectors,digital imagers,traditional detection scheme,image sensors,pixel detection,robust defect pixel detection,solid state image sensor,object detection,dead pixel detection,pixel density,fast dead pixel detection,stuck high,embedded systems,excellent detection scheme,real-time photo sensor dead,spread defect pixels year,real time systems,image sensor,real time,interpolation,digital images,image quality,digital image
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