Detecting acromegaly: screening for disease with a morphable model.

MICCAI'06 Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - Volume Part II(2006)

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Acromegaly is a rare disorder which affects about 50 of every million people. The disease typically causes swelling of the hands, feet, and fac e, and eventually permanent changes to areas such as the jaw, brow ridge, and cheek bones. The disease is often missed by physicians and progresses beyond where it might if it were identified and treated earlier. We consider a semi-automate d approach to detecting acromegaly, using a novel combination of support vector machines (SVMs) and a morphable model. Our training set consists of 24 frontal photographs of acromegalic patients and 25 of disease-free subjects. We modelled each subject's face in an analysis-by-synthesis loop using the three-dim ensional morphable face model of Blanz and Vetter. The model parameters capture many features of the 3D shape of the subject's head from just a single photogr aph, and are used directly for classification. We report encouraging results of a classifier built from the training set of real human subjects.
real human subject,three-dimensional morphable face model,disease-free subject,analysis-by-synthesis loop,model parameter,morphable model,cheek bone,training set,acromegalic patient,detecting acromegaly,brow ridge,analysis by synthesis,support vector machine
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