Puebla in the palm of your hands

MoMM '11: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia(2011)

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An interactive tourist tool with integrated maps navigation of Puebla is deployed. Mapping and navigation to all local points of interest such as hotels, restaurants, attractions, etc., are contained in our mobile tool. This is a novel mobile tool that support the efficient tourists in planning their stay in the Puebla City showing user a set of tourist sites and services, both useful for tourists, of which user chooses those who want to know. From this set of selected sites our application determines the shortest path using the traveling salesman algorithm. Besides, emergency services information about all local points is available. Generation of custom path is integrated, allowing user to have a google maps with all places to visit with a true an accurate location. Finally, our application allows the user to display maps of tourist sites in real time without the GPS service, instead we use GPRS via the WAP with the Google Maps API. This dramatically reduces costs benefiting tourism in Puebla.
custom path,efficient tourist,interactive tourist tool,puebla city,mobile tool,local point,novel mobile tool,emergency services information,tourist site,integrated maps navigation,gprs,traveling salesman,real time,shortest path,point of interest
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