Hybrid working stamps for high speed roll-to-roll nanoreplication with molded sol-gel relief on a metal backbone


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A straight-forward fabrication process was developed for hybrid layered molds consisting of a flexible metal plate as a mechanical support covered with a sol-gel layer with a nanostructured surface relief. The bendable stamp was tested under high speed roll-to-roll (R2R) manufacturing condition. A sufficient stamp lifetime was found, since no structural degradation was observed after a continuous imprint of more than 40m. Thus, it is shown that hybrid molds are good and inexpensive alternatives to electroplated shims usually used in R2R embossing.
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Key words
sol–gel material,molded sol-gel relief,hybrid working stamp,sufficient stamp lifetime,hybrid polymer,inexpensive alternative,r2r embossing,roll embossing,hybrid layered molds,electroplated shim,high speed roll-to-roll,metal backbone,hybrid molds,hybrid mold,continuous imprint,stamp fabrication,nanoimprint lithography,flexible metal plate,high speed roll-to-roll nanoreplication,bendable stamp
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