Effective Quality of Service Differentiation for Real-world Storage Systems

Modeling, Analysis & Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems(2010)

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Data storage is an integral part of IT infrastructures, where Quality of Service (QoS) differentiation amongst customers and their applications is essential for many. Achieving this objective in a production environment is nontrivial, because these environments are complex and dynamic. Numerous practical and engineering constraints render the task even more challenging. This paper presents SLED-2, a QoS differentiation solution that meets these challenges in offering effective protection to the performance of important workloads at the expense of less important workloads when needed. SLED-2 uses a customized feedback heuristic that rate-limits selected I/O streams. This approach is unique in that it accounts for a number of important practical considerations, including fine-grained controls, errors in storage systems models, and inexpensive and safe QoS management. SLED-2 has been implemented for the IBM DS8000 series storage servers and shown to be highly effective in a set of hostile and practical scenarios using test facilities for IBM storage products.
safe qos management,qos differentiation solution,important practical consideration,service differentiation,real-world storage systems,real-world storage system,ibm ds8000 series storage servers,quality of service,fine-grained control,storage management,storage systems error,ibm storage product,effective protection,ibm ds8000 series storage,production environment,qos management,data storage,data handling,middleware,effective quality,quality of service differentiation,it infrastructures,practical scenario,storage systems model,important workloads,servers,storage system,production,throughput,rate limiting
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